Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites
Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites

Hong Kong PhD Fellowship
The Hong Kong Research Grants Council has recently launched the Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Scheme to attract excellent students from all over the world to undertake their PhD research in Hong Kong. The Fellowship entitles a recipient with a monthly stipend of HK$25,000 (around US$3,200) and an annual travel grant of HK$15,000 for a three-year period (the normal duration for a PhD program for a Master degree holder). In addition, each individual institution may offer additional benefits. For more information, please visit
PolyU PhD Studentship
One government supported PhD studentship is now available in the area of emerging materials and stucture systems for sustainable concrete infrastructures. The successful applicant (should be a master-degree holder) is expected to start his/her PhD programme at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University in September. Qualified applicants need to put forward an on-line application. For more information please visit
Research Associates/Research Assistants
The research group is recruiting Research Associates and/or Research Assistants/PhD candidates in the following research directions:
1. FRP-strengthened RC structures under extreme environmental or mechanical loading;
2. FRP-concrete composite structures;
3. Durability and life cycle management of concrete structures exposed to marine environments;
4. Structural applications of high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites;
5. Geopolymer concrete;
6. Multifunctional concrete coating -
Candidates are expected to hold:
(a) a Master or a PhD degree from a reputable university in a closely related area;
(b) a good understanding of the behavior and analysis of concrete structures;
(c) a strong track record in experimental work and/or theoretical/numerical modeling. -
Salary offered will be commensurate with qualifications and experience. Applicants should state their current and expected salary in the application.
Interested candidates please contact Prof. Jian-Guo Dai via