Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites
Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites

SCI Journal Papers (“*” means corresponding author)
170. Guo, D., Zhou, H., Wang, H.P. and Dai, J.G.* (2022), Effect of temperature variation on the plate-end debonding of FRP-strengthened steel beams: coupled mixed-mode cohesive zone modeling, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 270, 108583. (DOI)
169. Yang, N., Das, Chandra S., Xue, X., Li, W.H. and Dai, J.G.*(2022), Geopolymer coating modified with reduced graphene oxide for improving steel corrosion resistance, Construction and Building Materials, 342(2022), 127942. (DOI)
168. Zhu, J.X., Xu, L.Y., Huang, B.T.*, Weng, K.F. and Dai, J.G. *(2022), Recent development in Engineered/Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites (ECC/SHCC) with high and ultra-high strength, Construction and Building Materials, 342(2022), 127956. (DOI)
167. Kumar, S., Das, Sekhar C., Lao, J.C., Alrefaei, Y. and Dai, J.G.* (2022), Effect of sand content on bond performance of engineered geopolymer composites (EGC) repair material, Construction and Building Materials, 328, 127080. (DOI)
166. Huang, B.T., Zhu, J.X., Weng, K.F., Li, Victor, C. and Dai, J.G.* (2022), Ultra-high-strength engineered/strain-hardening cementitious composites (ECC/SHCC): Material design and effect of fiber hybridization, Cement and Concrete Composites, 129, 104464. (DOI)
165. Bong, S.H., Nematollahi, B.*, Xia, M., Ghaffar, S. H., Pan, J.L. and Dai, J.G. (2022), Properties of additively manufactured geopolymer incorporating mineral wollastonite microfibers, Construction and Building Materials, 331, 127282. (DOI)
164. Alrefaei, Y., Wang, Y.S., Qian, Y.* and Dai, J.G. (2022), Effects of solid activator and fly ash on rheology and thixotropy of one-part alkali-activated pastes, Journal of Advanced Concrete Technology, 20, 139-151. (DOI)
163. Wang, X.H., Zhang, S.R., Dai, J.G.* and Wang, C.* (2022), Evaluation of base damage and stability of concrete gravity dam subjected to the underwater explosion, Structures, 38, 1502-1514. (DOI)
162. Ahmad, M. R., Lao, J.C., Dai, J.G.*, Xuan, D.X. and Poon, C.S. (2022), Upcycling of air pollution control residue waster into cementitious product through geopolymerization technology, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 181, 106231. (DOI)
161. Peng, K.D., Huang, B.T.*, Xu, L.Y., Hu, R.L. and Dai, J.G.*(2022), Flexural strengthening of reinforced concrete beams using geopolymer-bonded small-diameter CFRP bars, Engineering Structures, 256, 113992. (DOI)
160. Mohammadi, M., Bai, Y.L*, Yang, H.L., Lin, G., Dai, J.G. and Zhang, Y.F. (2022), FE modeling of non-circular LRS FRP-confined concrete columns, Composite Structures, 2022, 286, 115314. (DOI)
159. Zhou, H., Gao, W.Y.*, Biscaia, H., Wei, X.J. and Dai, J.G. (2022), Debonding analysis of FRP-to-concrete interfaces between two adjacent cracks in plated beams under temperature variations, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 263, 108307. (DOI)
158. Lao, J.C., Xu, L.Y., Huang, B.T.*, Dai, J.G.* and Shah, Surendra P. (2022), Strain-hardening ultra-high-performance geopolymer concrete (UHPGC): Matrix design and effect of steel fibers, Composites Communications, 30, 101081. (DOI)
157. Alrefaei, Y. and Dai, J.G.* (2022), Effects of delayed addition of polycarboxylate ether on one-part alkali-activated fly ash/slag pastes: Adsorption, creation kinetics, and rheology, Construction and Building Materials, 323m 126611. (DOI)
156. Huang, J.Q., Xu, Y., Huang, H. and Dai, J.G.* (2022), Structural behavior of FRP connector enabled precast geopolymer concrete sandwich panels subjected to one-side fire exposure, Fire Safety Journal, 128, 103524. (DOI)
155. Zheng, J.J., Chen, S.P., Peng, K.D. and Dai, J.G.* (2022), Novel FRP micro-bar reinforced UHPC permanent formwork for circular columns: Concept and compressive behavior, Composite Structures, 285, 115368. (DOI)
154. Fu, Y., An, Y.D., Xu, Y.K., Dai, J.G and Lei, D.Y.* (2022), Polymer coating with gradient-dispersed dielectric nanoparticles for enhanced daytime radiative cooling, EcoMat, 2022; e12169. (DOI)
153. Kumar, S., Chen, B., Xu, Y. and Dai, J.G.* (2022), Axial-flexural behavior of FRP grid-reinforced geopolymer concrete sandwich wall panels enabled with FRP connectors, Journal of Building Engineering, 47, 103907. (DOI)
152. Huang, B.T., Zhu, J.X., Weng, K.F., Huang, J.Q.* and Dai, J.G.* (2022), Prefabricated UHPC-Concrete-ECC Underground Utility Tunnel Reinforced by Perforated Steel Plate: Experimental and Numerical Investigations, Case Studies in Construction Materials, 16, e00856, (DOI)
151. Qian, L.P., Xu, L.Y., Alrefaei, Y.*, Wang, T., Ishida, T. and Dai, J.G*(2022), Artificial alkali-activated aggregates developed from wastes and by-products: A state-of-the-art review, Resources, Conservation and Recycling, 177, 105971. (DOI)
150. Xu, L.Y., Huang, B. T.*, Li, Victor C. and Dai, J.G.* (2022), High-strength high-ductility Engineered/Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites (ECC/SHCC) incorporating geopolymer fine aggregates, Cement and Concrete Composites, 125, 104296. (DOI)
149. Guo, D., Gao, W.Y.* and Dai, J.G.* (2022), Effects of temperature variation on intermediate crack-induced debonding and stress intensity factor in FRP-retrofitted cracked steel beams: An analytical study, Composite Structures, 279, 114776. (DOI)
148. Zhu, H.*, Wang, Q., Dai, J.G., Wang, C.L. and Wu, G. (2022), Innovative additional aluminum alloy ribs anchorage for improving the bond reliability of pretensioned CFRP bar: A feasibility study, Composite Structures, 114916. (DOI)
147. Bai, Y.L., Zhang, Y.F., Jia, J.F.*, Mei, S.J., Han, Q. and Dai, J.G. (2022), Simplified plasticity damage model for large rupture strain (LRS) FRP-confined concrete, Composite Structures, 114916. (DOI)
146. Wang, Y.S., Alrefaei, Y. and Dai, J.G.* (2021), Roles of hybrid activators in improving the early-age properties of one-part geopolymer pastes, Construction and Building Materials, 306, 124880. (DOI)
145. Guo, D., Gao, W.Y.*, Fernando, D. and Dai, J.G. (2021), Effect of temperature variation on the plate-end debonding of FRP-strengthened beams: A theoretical study, Advances in Structural Engineering, (DOI)
144. Xu, L. Y., Huang, B.T.* and Dai, J.G.* (2021), Development of Engineered Cementitious Composites (ECC) Using Artificial Fine Aggregates, Construction and Building Materials, 305, 124742. (DOI)
143. Kai, M.F. and Dai, J.G.*(2021), Understanding Geopolymer Binder-Aggregate Interfacial Characteristics at Molecular Level, Cement and Concrete Research, 149, 106582. (DOI)
142. Dai, J.G., Huang, B.T. and Shah, Surendra P. (2021), Recent Advances in Strain-hardening UHPC with Synthetic Fibers, Journal of Composites Science, 5(10), 283. (DOI)
141. Xu, L.Y., Qian, L.P., Huang, B.T. and Dai, J.G.* (2021), Development of Artificial One-Part Geopolymer Lightweight Aggregates by Crushing Technique, Journal of Cleaner Production, 315, 128200.(DOI)
140. Kumar, S., Chen, B.Q., Xu, Y.Y. and Dai, J.G.* (2021), Structural Behavior of FRP Grid-Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Sandwich Wall Panels Subjected to Concentric Axial Loading, Composite Structures, 114117 (DOI)
139. Huang, B.T., Weng, K.F., Zhu, J.X., Xiang, Y.*, Dai, J.G.* and Li, V.C. (2021), Engineered/Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites (ECC/SHCC) with an Ultra-High Compressive Strength over 210 MPa, Composites Communications, 26, 100775 (DOI)
138. Jin, Y.F., Yin, Z.Y.*, Li, J. and Dai, J.G. (2021), A Novel Implicit Coupled Hydro-mechanical SPFEM Approach for Modelling of Delayed Failure of Cut Slope in Soft Sensitive Clay, Computers and Geotechnics, 140, 104474. (DOI)
137. Wang, Z.L, Dai, J.G., Wang, M.Q., Chen, L.Z., Zhang, F.W. and Xu, Q.F.*(2021), Residual bond strengths of epoxy and cement-bonded CFRP reinforcements to concrete interfaces after elevated temperature exposure, Fire Safety Journal, 124: 103393. (DOI)
136. Wang, T., Zheng, J.J. and Dai, J.G.* (2021), Analysis of time-dependent chloride diffusion in surface-treated concrete based on a rapid numerical approach, Structures and Infrastructure Engineering. (DOI)
135. Jia, D.G., Gao, W.Y.*, Duan, D.X., Yang, J. and Dai, J.G. (2021), Full-range Behavior of FRP-to-Concrete Bonded Joints Subjected to Combined Effects of Loading and Temperature Variation, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 254, 107928. (DOI)
134. Liu, Y.L., Liu, Z.H., Lai, S.K.*, Luo, L.Z. and Dai, J.G.* (2021), Delamination Detection in the Grouted Joints of Precast Concrete Shear Walls Using Impact-Echo Method, Journal of Nondestructive Evaluation, 40:50. (DOI)
133. Qiu, Q. and Dai, J.G.* (2021), Meso-scale Modeling of Chloride Diffusivity in Mortar Subjected to Corrosion-induced Cracking, Computer-Aided Civil and Infrastructure Engineering, 36(5), (DOI)
132. Wang, Y.S., Peng, K.D., Alrefaei, Y. and Dai, J.G.* (2021), The Bond between Geopolymer Repair Motars and OPC Concrete Substrate: Strength and Microscopic Interactions, Cement and Concrete Composites, 119, 103991. (DOI)
131. Zhang, F. Dai, J.G., Wang, Z., Wang, M., Leng, Y. and Xu, Q.*(2021), Bond Durability of Epoxy and Cement-Bonded CFRP Reinforcement to Concrete Interfaces Subject to Water Immersion, Materials and Structures, 54(2): 1-12. (DOI)
130. Huang, B.T., Dai, J.G.*, Weng, K.F., Zhu, J.X. and Shah, Surendra P. (2021), Flexural Performance of UHPC-Concrete-ECC Composite Member Reinforced with Perforated Steel Plates, ASCE Journal of Structural Engineering, 147(6), 04021065. (DOI)
129. Huang, B.-T., Wu, J.G., Yu, J.*, Dai, J.-G.*, Leung, Christopher K.Y., Li, Victor C. (2021). Seawater Sea-sand Engineered/Strain-Hardening Cementitious Composites (ECC/SHCC): Assessment and modeling of crack characteristics, Cement and Concrete Research, 140: 106292, (DOI)
128. Wang, H.P.*, Dai, J.G., Wang, X.Z. (2021), Improved Temperature Compensation of Fiber Bragg Grating-based Sensors Applied to Structures under Different Loading Conditions, Optical Fiber Technology, 63, 102506, (DOI)
127. Alrefaei, Y., Wang, Y.-S., Dai, J.-G*(2021), Effect of Mixing Method on the Performance of Alkali-activated Fly Ash/Slag Pastes along with Polycarboxylate Admixture, Cement and Concrete Composites, 117, 103917. (DOI)
126. Wei, P., Liu, Y., Dai, J.G., Li Z., Xu Y.* (2021), Structural Design for Modular Integrated Construction with Parameterized Level Set-Based Topology Optimization Method, Structures, 31: 1265-1277. (DOI)
125. Zheng, H.B., Dai, J.G., Poon, C.S.* and Li, W.H. (2021), Influence of a Superplasticizer on Initial Corrosion of Galvanized Steel Bars in Concrete Pore Solution, ASCE, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 33(6), 04021113. (DOI)
124. Huang, B.T., Wang, Y.T., Wu, J.Q., Yu, J.*, Dai, J.G. and Leung, Christopher K.Y. (2021), Effect of Fiber Content on Mechanical Performance and Cracking Characteristics of Ultra-high-performance Seawater Sea-sand Concrete (UHP-SSC), Advances in Structural Engineering 24(6), 1182-1195, (DOI)
123. Ahamed, M. R., Chen, B.*, Dai, J.G., Kazmi, S. M. S. and Munir, M. J. (2021), Evolutionary Artificial Intelligence Approach for Performance Prediction of Bio-Composites, Construction and Building Materials, 290, 123254. (DOI)
122. Zhou, H., Fernando, D.* and Dai, J.G. (2021), The Bond Behavior of CFRP-to-Concrete Bonded Joints under Fatigue Cyclic Loading, An experimental study, Construction and Building Materials, 273, 121674, (DOI)
121. Jirawattanasomkul, T., Minakawa, H., Likitlersuang, S.*, Ueda, T., Dai, J.G., Wuttiwannasak, N. and Kongwang, N. (2021), Use of Water Hyacinth Waste to Produce Fibre-reinforced Polymer Composites for Concrete Confinement: Mechanical Performance and Environmental Assessment, Journal of Cleaner Production, 592, 126041. (DOI)
120. Xu, L.Y., Alrefaei, Y., Wang, Y.-S., Dai, J.-G*(2021), Recent Advances in Molecular Dynamics Simulation of the N-A-S-H Geopolymer System: modeling, structural analysis and dynamics, Construction and Building Materials, 276: 122196. (DOI)
119. Xue, X., Qiu, M., Li, Y., Zhang, Q.M., Li, S., Yang, Z., Feng, C., Zhang, W.D.*, Dai, J.G.* and Lei, D.Y.*, Jin, W., Xu, L., Zhang, T., Qin, J., Wang, H., Fan, S.H. (2020), Creating an Eco-Friendly Building Coating with Smart Subambient Radiative Cooling, Advanced Materials. (DOI)
118. Qiu, Q.W., Zhu, J.H. and Dai, J.G.*(2020), In-situ X-ray microcomputed tomography monitoring of steel corrosion in engineered cementitious composite (ECC), Construction and Building Materials, 262: 120844. (DOI)
117. Ding, Y., Bai, Y.L., Dai, J.G.* and Shi, C.J. (2020), An Investigation of Softening Laws and Fracture Toughness of Slab-based Geopolymer Concrete and Mortar, Materials, 13, 5200. (DOI)
116. Chen, L., Wang, Y.S., Wang, L., Zhang, Y., Li, J., Tong, L., Hu, Q., Dai, J.G. and Tsang Dainel Tsang* (2020), Stabilisation/solidification of municipal solid waste incineration fly ash by phosphate-enhanced calcium aluminate cement, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 124404. (DOI)
115. Huang, B.-T., Wu, J.G., Yu, J.*, Dai, J.-G.*, Leung, Christopher K.Y. (2020). High-strength Seawater Sea-sand Engineered Cementitious Composites (SS-ECC): Mechanical performance and probabilistic modeling, Cement and Concrete Composites, 114: 103740, (DOI)
114. Zheng, J.J., Li, Q.B., Dai, J.G.* (2020), Analytical Solution for FRP-to-Concrete Bonded Joints Considering Local Unloading and Reloading, Engineering Fracture Mechanics, 235, 107185. (DOI)
113. Huang, J.-Q., Dai, J.G.* (2020). Flexural Performance of Precast Geopolymer Concrete Sandwich Panel Enabled by FRP Connector. Composite Structures. 248, 112563. (DOI)
112. Huang, B.-T., Yu, J.*, Wu, J.-Q., Dai, J.-G.*, Leung, Christopher K.Y. (2020). Seawater sea-sand Engineered Cementitious Composites (SS-ECC) for marine and coastal applications. Composites Communications, 20,100353. (DOI)
111. Zheng, H.-B., Dai, J.G., Hou, L., Meng, G. Z., Poon, C.S.*, Li, W. H.. (2020). Enhanced passivation of galvanized steel bars in nano-silica modified cement mortars. Cement and Concrete Composites. 112, 103626. (DOI)
110. Qian, L.-P., Wang, Y.-S., Alrefaei, Y., Dai, J.-G*. (2020). Experimental study on full-volume fly ash geopolymer mortars: Sintered fly ash versus sand as fine aggregates. Journal of Cleaner Production. 263, 121445. (DOI)
109. Zeng, Y., Zhang, D.-W.*, Dai, J.-G., Fang, M.-S., Jin, W.-L. (2020). Determining the service life extension of silane treated concrete structures: A probabilistic approach. Construction and Building Materials. 249, 118802. (DOI)
108. Yang, X., Gao, W.-Y.*, Dai, J.-G., Lu, Z.-D. (2020). Shear strengthening of RC beams with FRP grid-reinforced ECC matrix. Composite Structures 241, 112120. (DOI)
107. Tang, N., Yang, K.-K., Alrefaei, Y., Dai, J.-G*., Wu, L.-M., Wang, Q. (2020). Reduce VOCs and PM emissions of warm-mix asphalt using geopolymer additives. Construction and Building Materials 244, 118338. (DOI)
106. Alrefaei, Y., Wang, Y.-S., Dai, J.-G*., Xu, Q.-F. (2020). Effect of superplasticizers on properties of one-part Ca(OH)2/Na2SO4 activated geopolymer pastes. Construction and Building Materials 241, 117990. (DOI)
105. Bai, Y.-L., Yan, Z.-W., Ozbakkaloglu, T., Han, Q.*, Dai, J.-G., Zhu, D.-J. (2020). Quasi-static and dynamic tensile properties of large-rupture-strain (LRS) polyethylene terephthalate fiber bundle. Construction and Building Materials, 232, 117241. (DOI)
104. Wang, Y.-S., Alrefaei, Y., Dai, J.-G*. (2020). Influence of coal fly ash on the early performance enhancement and formation mechanisms of silico-aluminophosphate geopolymer. Cement and Concrete Research, 127,105932. (DOI)
103. Yu, K.-Q., Lu, Z.-D., Dai, J.-G.*, Shah, S.P. (2020). Direct Tensile Properties and Stress-Strain Model of UHP-ECC. Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 32(1),04019334. (DOI)
102. Mohammadi, M., Dai, J. G., Wu, Y. F.*, and Bai, Y. L. (2019). Development of extended Drucker–Prager model for non-uniform FRP-confined concrete based on triaxial tests. Construction and Building Materials, 224, 1-18. (DOI)
101. Wang, H.-P., Ni, Y.-Q.*, Dai, J.-G., Yuan, M.-D.(2019) Interfacial debonding detection of strengthened steel structures by using smart CFRP-FBG composites. Smart Materials and Structures, 28(11),115001. (DOI)
100. Wang, G. L., Dai, J. G.*, and Bai, Y. L. (2019). Seismic retrofit of exterior RC beam-column joints with bonded CFRP reinforcement: An experimental study. Composite Structures, 224, 111018. (DOI)
99. Bai, Y. L., Dai, J. G.*, Mohammadi, M., Lin, G., and Mei, S. J. (2019). Stiffness-based design-oriented compressive stress-strain model for large-rupture-strain (LRS) FRP-confined concrete. Composite Structures, 223, 110953. (DOI)
98. Bai, Y. L., Yan, Z.W.,Ozbakkaloglu, T., Dai, J. G., Jia, J.F.*, Jia, J.B. (2019). Dynamic behavior of PET FRP and its preliminary application in impact strengthening of concrete columns, Applied Science, 9(23), 4987. (DOI)
97. Wang, Y. S., Alrefaei, Y., and Dai, J. G.* (2019). Improvement of early-age properties of silico-aluminophosphate geopolymer using dead burnt magnesia. Construction and Building Materials, 217, 1-11. (DOI)
96. Ding, Z., Xu, M. R., Dai, J. G.*, Dong, B. Q., Zhang, M. J., Hong, S. X., and Xing, F. (2019). Strengthening concrete using phosphate cement-based fiber-reinforced inorganic composites for improved fire resistance. Construction and Building Materials, 212, 755-764. (DOI)
95. Wang, H., and Dai, J. G.* (2019). Strain transfer analysis of fiber Bragg grating sensor assembled composite structures subjected to thermal loading. Composites Part B: Engineering, 162, 303-313. (DOI)
94. Alrefaei, Y., Wang, Y. S., and Dai, J. G.* (2019). The effectiveness of different superplasticizers in ambient cured one-part alkali-activated pastes. Cement and Concrete Composites, 97, 166-174. (DOI)
93. Wang, Y. S., Alrefaei, Y., and Dai, J. G.* (2019). Silico-aluminophosphate and Alkali-aluminosilicate Geopolymers: A comparative review. Frontiers in Materials, 6, 106. (DOI)
92. Huang, J.Q. and Dai, J.G.* (2019), Direct Shear Tests of Glass Fiber Reinforced Polymer Connectors for Use in Precast Concrete Sandwich Panels, Composites Structures, 207: 136-147. (DOI)
91. Shang, J., Dai, J.G., Zhao, T.J., Guo, S.Y.*, Zhang, P. and Mu, B. (2018), Alternation of Traditional Cement Mortars Using Fly Ash-Based Geopolymer Mortars Modified by Slag, Journal of Cleaner Production, 203: 745-756. (DOI)
90. Xue, X., Liu, Y.L., Dai, J.G.*, Poon, C.S., Zhang, W.D. and Zhang, P. (2018), Inhibiting Efflorescence Formation on Fly Ash-based Geopolymer via Silane Surface Modification, Cement and Concrete Composites, 94: 42-52. (DOI)
89. Zhu, W.J., Dai, J.G.* and Poon, C.S.*(2018), Prediction of the Bond Strength between Non-uniformly Corroded Steel Reinforcement and Deteriorated Concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 187: 1267-1276. (DOI)
88. Wang, Y.S., Provis, John L.* and Dai, J.G.* (2018), Role of Soluble Aluminum Species in the Activating Solution for Synthesis of Silico-aluminophosphate Geopolymers, Cement and Concrete Composites, 93:186-195. (DOI)
87. Yu, K.Q., Dai, J.G.*, Lu, Z.D. and Poon, C.S. (2018), Rate-dependent Tensile Properties of Ultra-high Performance Engineered Cementitious Composites (UHP-ECC), Cement and Concrete Composites, 93: 218-234. (DOI)
86. Tang, N.*., Deng, Z., Dai, J.G., Yang, K., Chen, C., and Wang, Q. (2018), Geopolymer as an Additive of Warm Mix Asphalt: Preparation and properties, Journal of Cleaner Production, 192: 906-915. (DOI)
85. Alrefaei, Y. and Dai, J.G.*(2018), Tensile Behavior and Microstructure of Hybrid Fiber Ambient Cured One-part Engineered Geopolymer Composites, Construction and Building Materials, 184: 419-431. (DOI)
84. Wang, C.F.*, Wen, B., Dai, J.G., Liu, J.X., Liu, Y.Z. (2018), Experimental Study on Force Sensitivity of the Conductibility of Carbon Nanotubes-Modified Epoxy Resins, Materials, 11(7). (DOI)
83. Gao, W.Y., Hu, K.X., Dai, J.G.*, Dong, K., Yu, K.Q. and Fang, L.J. (2018), Repair of Fire-damaged RC Slabs with Basalt Fibric-Reinforced Shotcrete, Construction and Building Materials, 185: 79-92. (DOI)
82. Wang, L., Yu, K.Q., Li, J.S., Tsang Daniel C.W.*, Poon, C.S., Yoo, J.C., Baek, K., Ding, S., Hou, D. and Dai, J.G. (2018), Low-carbon and Low-Alkalinity Stabilization/Solidification of High-Pb Contained Soil, Chemical Engineering Journal, 351: 418-427. (DOI)
81. Zheng, H.B, Dai, J.-G., Li, W., Poon, C.S.* (2018), Influence of Calcium Ion in Concrete Pore Solution on the Passivation of Galvanized Steel Bars, Cement and Concrete Research, 108: 46-58. (DOI)
80. Gao, W.Y., Dai, J. G.* and Teng, J.G. (2018), Three-level Fire Resistance Design of FRP-strengthened RC Beams, ASCE, Journal of Composites for Construction, 22(3), 05018001 (DOI)
79. Ding Y., Dai, J.G.* and Shi, C.J. (2018), Fracture Property of Alkali-activated Slag and Ordinary Portland Cement Concrete, Construction and Building Materials, 165: 310-320. (DOI)
78. Yang, X., Gao, W.Y., Dai, J.G.*, Lu, Z.D. and Yu, K.Q. (2018), Flexural strengthening of RC beams with CFRP grid-reinforced ECC matrix, Composites Structures, 189: 9-26. (DOI)
77. Zheng, H.B, Dai, J.-G., Li, W., Poon, C.S.* (2018), Influence of chloride ion on depassivation of passive film on galvanized steel bars in concrete pore solution, Construction and Building Materials, 166: 572-580. (DOI)
76. Ding, Y., Dai, J.G.* and Shi, C.J. (2018), Mechanical Properties of Alkali-activated Concrete Subjected to Impact Load, ASCE, Journal of Materials in Civil Engineering, 30(5), 04018068. (DOI)
75. Yang, Z., Xue, X., Dai, J.G. et al. (2018),Study of a super-non-wetting self-cleaning solar reflective blue-grey paint coating with luminescence, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 176:69-80. (DOI)
74. Wang, L., Yu, Iris K.M., Tsang, Daniel, C.W.*, Yu, K.Q., Li, S., Poon, C.S., Dai, J.G. (2018), Upcycling wood waste into fiber-reinforced magnesium phosphate cement particleboards, Construction and Building Materials, 159: 54-63. (DOI)
73. Yu, K.Q., Yu, J.T., Dai, J.G.*, Lu, Z.D. and Shah Surendra P. (2018), Development of Ultra-high-performance Engineered Cementitious Composites using PE Fibers, Construction and Building Materials, 158(15): 217-227. (DOI)
72. Long, Y.L., Li, W.T., Dai, J.G.* and Gardner, L.* (2018), Experimental Study of Concrete-filled CHS Stub Columns with Inner FRP Tubes, Thin-Wall Structures, 122: 606-621. (DOI)
71. Xue, X., Yang, Z., Li. Y.W., Sun, P.C., Feng, Y., Qu, T.J., Dai, J.G.*, Zhang, T., Qin, J., Xu, L.J. and Zhang, W.D.* (2018), Superhydrophobic self-cleaning solar reflective orange-gray paint coating, Solar Energy Materials and Solar Cells, 174, 2018, 292-299. (DOI)
70. Wang Y.S., Dai, J.G.*, Wang, L., Tsang, Daniel CW*, Poon, C.S. (2018), Influence of Lead on Stabilization/Solidification by Ordinary Portland Cement and Magnesium Phosphate Cement, Chemosphere, 190: 90-96. (DOI)
Non SCI Journal Papers (“*” means corresponding author)
Alrefaei, Y. and Dai, J.G. (2019), Deflection hardening behavior and elastic modulus of one-part hybrid fiber-reinforced geopolymer composites, Journal of Asian Concrete Federation, 5(2), 37-51. [DOI]
Mohammadi, T., Wan, B. and Dai, J. G. (2011), Modeling of CFRP-Concrete Interface Subjected to Coupled Pull-out and Push-off Actions, American Concrete Institute Special Publication SP-275: Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, ACI SP-275-19, 18 pages.
Dai, J.G., Saito, Y., Ueda, T. and Sato, Y. (2005), Static and Fatigue Bond Characteristics of Interfaces between CFRP Sheets and Frost Damage Experienced Concrete, American Concrete Institute Special Publication SP-230: Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, ACI SP-230-86, 16 pages.
Dai, J. G. and Ueda, T. (2012), Carbon Footprint Analysis of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)-Incorporated Pedestrain Bridges: a case study, Key Engineering Materials, 517(2012), 724-729. (Invited paper)
Zhu, Y.G., Dai, J. G. and Li, Q.Y. (2011), Chloride Diffusion Property of Recycled Aggregate Concrete Treated with Water Repellent Agents - silane, Advanced Materials Research, Vols. 168-170, 755-761.
Dai, J.G. Akira, Y., Kato, E. and Yokota, H. (2008), Effectiveness of Water Repellents for the Establishment of a Chloride Barrier in Reinforced Concrete with Cracks, Restoration of Buildings and Monuments - An International Journal, 14(6),426-435.
Dai, J.G., Akira, Y., Yokota, H. and Wittmann, Folker H. (2007), Various Surface Impregnation Treatments for Pre-conditioned Concrete Subjected to Seawater Immersion Tests, Restoration of Buildings and Monuments - An International Journal, 13(4), 229-240.
Zheng, Y., Wang, W., Dai, J. and Zhu, Z. (2019), Experimental Study on Mechanical Performance of Reinforced Concrete Beams Shear-Strengthened with FRP-UHTCC Composite 【FRP-UHTCC复合层抗剪增强钢筋混凝土梁受力性能试验研究】, Journal of Building Structures 【建筑结构学报】, 40(8): 118-126.
Huang, H., Wang, W.W. and Dai, J.G. (2015), Experimental Study on Structural Performance of Two-span Continious GFRP-concrete Composite Hollow Slabs 【两跨连续 GFRP-混凝土空心组合板受力性能试验研究】, Journal of Building Structures【建筑结构学报】, 36(10), 59-65.
Huang, J.Q., Dai, J.G. (2015), Study on Composite Action of Precast Concrete Sandwich Panels with Plate-type GFRP Shear Connectors 【基于板式 GFRP 剪力连接件的预制混凝土三明治板的组合度研究】, Journal of Building Structures 【建筑结构学报】, 26(z2), 188-195.
Wang, T., Dai, J.G., Yang, L.H. and Wu. P. (2017), Theoretical Model for Electronic Migration of Chloride Ions in Water Repellent Concrete 【硅烷憎水处理混凝土的氯离子电场迁移模型研究】, China Civil Engineering Journal【土木工程学报】, 50(1): 20-27.
Wang, W.W., Dai, J. G. and Zhang, L. (2012), Experimental Study and Analytical Modeling of Prestress Losses of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Post-tensioned CFRP Sheets 【后张预应力碳纤维布加固钢筋混凝土梁预应力损失试验及计算方法研究】, China Civil Engineering Journal 【土木工程学报】, 45(11), 88-94.
Zhang, P., Zhao T., Dai, J. G., Guo, P. and Wittmann, F. H. (2011), Experimental Study of the Water Repellency and Chloride Resistance of Modified Concrete with Silane 【硅烷改性混凝土防水和抗氯离子性能试验研究】, China Civil Engineering Journal 【土木工程学报】, 44(3), 71-78.
Wang, W.W, Huang, H., Dai, J.G. and Zheng, Y. Z. (2016), Experiments on Flexural Behavior of Steel-GFRP-concrete Composite Beams 【钢-GFRP-混凝土组合梁受弯性能试验】, China Journal of Highway and Transport 【中国公路学报】, 29(9): 45-52.
Zhang P., Dai, J.G., Zhao, T. J., Wittmann F. H and Jin, Z.Q. (2010), Water Absorption Property of Cracked Concrete and Effect of Water Repellent Treatment 【带裂缝混凝土的吸水性能及防水处理的影响】, Journal of Building Materials 【建筑材料学报】, 13(1), 70-74 .
Zhang, P., Dai, J.G., Zhao, T.J., Wittmann, F. H. and Hartmann S. (2009), Water Repellent Treatment on Surface of Cracked Concrete under Seawater Exposure Environment 【海水暴露环境下带裂缝混凝土的表面防水处理】, Journal of Building Materials 【建筑材料学报】, 12(2), 214-218.
Dai, J.G. and Huang, C.K. (2001), Research on the Basic Mechanical Properties of Steel Fiber Reinforced Self-stressing Concrete 【钢纤维自应力混凝土力学性能试验研究】, Journal of Building Materials 【建筑材料学报】, 4(1), 69-74.
Huang, H., Wang, W.W. and Dai, J.G. (2015), Experimental Study on Two-span Continuous GFRP-concrete Composite Slabs【双跨连续 GFRP-混凝土组合板的试验研究】, Journal of Southeast University 【东南大学学报】, 45(1), 139-144.
Jiang F., Huang, C.K. and Dai, J.G. (2001), Finite Element Analysis for Expanding Process of Reinforced Self-stressing Concrete Structures 【自应力混凝土结构限制膨胀过程有限元法分析】, Journal of Dalian University of Technology 【大连理工大学学报】, 41(5), 607-612.
Dai, J.G., Huang, C.K. and Zhao, G.F. (2000), Non-structural Cracks in Concrete Structures and their Inhabitation by Using Synthetic Fibers 【混凝土中非结构性裂缝分析及合成纤维控制】, Building Structures 【建筑结构】, 30(9), 56-60.
Ji, J., Li, B., Dai, J.G., Zhang, W.F., Liu, Y.C. and Xing, F. (2014), Hysteretic Behavior Analysis and Design of the Single-span and Double Layer Steel Frame Based on the Outer-jacketing Storey-Adding 【基于套建增层的单跨双层钢框架滞回性能分析与设计】, Journal of Northeast Petroleum University 【东北石油大学学报】, 38(5), 111-120.
Dai, J.G., Liu, M. and Huang, C.K. (2000), Early-age Plastic Shrinkage of Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete 【聚丙烯纤维混凝土和砂浆的塑性收缩试验研究】, Journal of Shenyang Institute of Architecture【沈阳建筑工程学院学报】, 16(3), 195-198.
Liu, M. and Dai, J.G. (1998), Construction Technology of Super High-rise Steel Structure Buildings【超高层建筑的钢结构安装工艺】, Journal of Shenyang Institute of Architecture 【沈阳建筑工程学院学报】, 14(4), 351-354.
Hu, K.X., Gao, W.Y., Dai, J.G., Yu, K.Q., Dong, K. and Fang, L.J. (2015), Experimental Study on the Flexural Performance of Fire-damaged RC Slabs Strengthened with Basalt Textile-Reinforced Cementitious Composites 【玄武岩纤维编织网增强水泥基复合材料加固火灾后混凝土板的抗弯性能试验研究】, Industrial Construction 【工业建筑】, 2015(s), 51-56.
Wang, W.W., Zhang, Y. K. and Dai, J.G. (2011), Experimental Study on T-rib GFRP Plate-Concrete Composites Beams 【带 T 型肋的 GFRP 板-混凝土组合梁试验研究】, Industrial Construction 【工业建筑】, 290-294.
Dai, J.G. and Ueda, T. (2009), Performance of RC Piers Jacketed with Large Rupture Strain FRP under Cyclic Loading【大应变FRP约束钢筋混凝土桥墩的水平往复加载试验研究】, Industrial Construction 【工业建筑】, 39, No. 433, 274-278.
Bai, Y.L., Dai, J.G. and Ou, J.P. (2011), A Comparative Study of the Buffeting Properties of FRP and Steel Box Girder Cable-Stayed Bridges 【钢箱梁斜拉桥抖振性能分析与比较】, Fiber Reinforced Plastics/Composites【玻璃钢/复合材料】, No. 5, 53-57.
Long, Y.L. and Dai, J.G.(2010), Behavior of Circular Concrete Columns Confined by New-typed Large Rupture Strain FRP under Axial Compression 【新型大断裂应变 FRP 约束混凝土圆柱的轴压性能】, Concrete 【混凝土】, No. 7, 44-47.
Dai, J.G. and Huang, C.K. (1999), Experimental Study on Net-type Polypropylene Fiber Reinforced Concrete【网状聚丙烯纤维混凝土的试验研究】, Chinese Concrete and Cement Products【混凝土与水泥制品】, No. 4, 35-38.
Dai, J.G., Song, Y.P. and Zhao, G. F. (1999), Mechanical Significance of Post-peak Flexural Strength of Concrete Reinforced with Low Elastic Modulus Fibers 【低弹性模量纤维混凝土剩余弯曲强度的力学意义】, Chinese Concrete and Cement Products【混凝土与水泥制品】, Z1, 35-38.
- Dai, J.G. and Huang, C.K. (2000), Clarifying the Micro-Mechanical Enhancing Mechanisms of Steel Fiber Reinforced Self-Stressing Concrete [钢纤维自应力砼的增强效应理论探讨], Chinese Concrete and Cement Products 【混凝土与水泥制品】, Z1, 13-16. (in Chinese)
Xue, W., Shen, X. H., Dai, J.G. and Jin, W.L. (2009), Influence of the Permeability of External Thermal Insulation on Concrete Wall Carbonation 【外保温系统的透气性对混凝土墙体中性化的影响】, New Building Materials 【新型建筑材料 】, No. 8, 44-48.
Wang, W.W., Dai, J.G., Jing, D.H. (2015), Method for Replacing Large Space Wall with Prestressed Carbon Fiber Cable 【一种采用预应力碳纤维索托换大空间墙体的方法】, High-tech Fibers and Applications 【高科技纤维及应用】, Vo. 6, page 75.
Guo, S.Y., Zhao, T.J., Dai, J.G., Jin, Z.Q., Wang, X.M., Hou, D.S., Wang, P.G., Shang, J. and Wang, L. Q. (2017), Effects of Nano TiO2/Grapheme on the Bond Performance of Epoxy-based An-corrosion Concrete Coating and Chloride Penetration Resistance 【纳米 TiO2/石墨烯对环氧树脂混凝土防腐涂料的界面改性及抗氯离子渗透性能研究】, China Science and Technology Achievements【中国科技成果】, 4: 64-65.
Yang, L.H., Wu, P., Wu, Z. and Dai, J.G. (2016), Application of Permeable Coating in Upper Structure of High-pile Wharf 【渗透型涂层在高桩码头上部结构中的应用】, Port & Waterway Engineering【水运工程】, 4, No. 514, 50-54.
Tateishi, A., Yokota, H., Iwanami, M, Kato, E., Kobayashi, A. and Dai, J.G. (2010), Strengthening of port steel structure by CFRP strand sheet under marine environments【水中施工の可能な FRP を用いた港湾鋼構造物の補強実験】, JSCE, Journal of Structural Engineering【構造工学論文集】,Vol. 56(A), 644-655.
Jaqin, H., Nakai, H., Ueda, T. and Sato, Y. and Dai, J.G. (2005), Seismic Retrofitting of RC Piers using Continuous Fiber Sheet with Large Fracturing Strain, JSCE, Journal of Structural Engineering【構造工学論文集】, 51(A), 893-901.
Dai, J.G., Kato, E., Iwanami, M. and Yokota, H. (2008), Flexural Performance of FRP Sheet Strengthened Concrete Beams through Various Bonding Systems, Proceeding of the Japan Concrete Institute【コンクリート工学年次論文集】, 30(3), 1657-1672.
Akira, Y., Dai, J.G., Kato, E. and Yokota, H. (2008), Evaluation on Repair of Coastal Reinforced Concrete Structures using Surface Impregnation Method【港湾 RC 構造物に吸水防止材を適用した場合の補修効果について】, Proceeding of the Japan Concrete Institute【コンクリート工学年次論文集】, 30(2), 631-636. (in Japanese)
Dai, J.G., Kato, E., Iwanami, M. and Yokota, H. (2007), Bonding and Cracking Responses of Corroded RC Members Subjected to Uni-axial Tension, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute【コンクリート工学年次論文集】, 29(3), 625-630.
Akira, Y., Dai, J.G., Kato, E. and Yokota, H. (2007), Effects of Moisture Conditions of Concrete on the Surface Impregnation Repair【コンクリートの含水状態が表面含浸材の補修性能に与える影響について】, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute【コンクリート工学年次論文集】 29(3), 535-540.
Dai, J.G., Ueda, T. and Sato, Y. (2005), Dowel Effects on the Shear Bond Force Transfer in Concrete Beams Strengthened with FRP Sheets, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute【コンクリート工学年次論文集】, 26(2), 883-888. (Best JCI Annual Presentation Award)
Dai, J.G., Ueda, T., Muttaqin, H. and Sato, Y. (2003), Mode I Fracture Behavior of FRP-Concrete Interfaces, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute【コンクリート工学年次論文集】, 25(1)1577-1582. (Best JCI Annual Presentation Award)
Dai, J.G., Sato, Y. and Ueda, T. (2002), Improving the Load Transfer and Effective Bond Length for FRP Composites Bonded to Concrete, Proceedings of the Japan Concrete Institute【コンクリート工学年次論文集】, 24(1), 1423-1428.