Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites
Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites

2020.12.11 Our research work on "Eco-friendly Smart Buildings Coating" was recommened by "Science" as its "Editor's Choice"
2020.11.05 Prof Dai was invited by Dongguan University of Techology to give a lecture on "Maintenance of Concrete Structures Using New Materials",
2020.10.26 Our research work on "Eco-friendly Smart Building Coating" was reported on "Advanced Science News"
2020.10.25 Our research work on "Eco-friendly Smart Building Coating" was reported by “Takungpao” (大公报)
2020.10.16 Our research work was reported by “Hong Kong Economic Journal” (信报)
2020.10.12 Prof Dai was invited to give an inaugural lecture on "Innovtive Materials and Structural Systems for Maintenance and Sustainability of Concrete Infrastructure" for the One-Week Short Term Course on "Sustainable Construction Practices" from October 12-18, 2020, which was sponsored by All India Council for Technical Education.
2020.09.27 Prof Dai was invited to give a Semi-plenary Keynote Lecture on "Multiple funcational Coating for Surface Protection of RC Building Structures" at the 2nd Conference on Emerging Structural Materials and Systems, Guangzhou, China, September 25-27, 2020.
2020.09.15 Prof Dai was invited to give a keynote lecture on "Preventive maintenance of concrete structures through multiple funcational coating" at International Conference on Civil Engineering, Environment Resources and Energy Materials, Changsha, China, Sep. 18-20 2020.
2020. 09.15 Dr Xue Xiao's paper "Creating an Eco-Friendly Building Coaating with Smart Subambient Radiative Cooling" was accepted by "Advanced Materials", a high-impact journal in material science and engineering, See also:
2020.04.17 Prof Dai was invited to give a keynote lecture on "Geopolymer Concrete Sandwich Wall Panels Enabled by FRP Connectors for Prefabricated Construction" at the 3rd International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Clean and Sustainable Developmetn, 19-21 Feburary 2020, Chandigarh, India.
2020. 02.19, Prof Dai was invited to give a keynote lecture on "Innovative Materials and Structural Systems for Sustainable Concrete Structures" at the 5th International Conference on Minerals Source, Geotechnology and Civil Engineering, 17-19 April, 2020.
2019. 12.19, Prof Dai was invited to give a keynote lecture on "Fracture Energy and Tension-Softening Behavior of Slag-Fly Ash Blended Geopolymer Concrete" at 9th Asia-Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium on Structural Engineering (YRGS2019), Shanghai, China, 19-20 December 2019.
2019. 12.06, Prof Dai was invited to give a keynote lecture on "Hydrophobie Coating for Corrosion Prevention and Service Life Extension of Marine Concrete Structures" at "The Greater Bay Area Corrosion Prevention Sumit Forum", Zhuhai, 6 December 2019, China.
2019. 11.28, Prof Dai was invited to give a key lecture on "FRP增强地聚物混凝土的力学性能" at “第三届全国土木工程复合材料应用技术交流会”暨“第四届中国国际复合材料科技大会(CCCM-4)”, Zhuhai, China.
2019.11.16, Prof Dai was invited to give a keynote lecture on "Basalt Textiles/Grids for Strengthening Existing Concrete Structures: Research and Applications" at the First International Conference on Basalt Fibers and Composites (ICBFC-2019), 16-19 November 2019, Nanjing, China.
2019. 10.25, Prof Dai was invited to give a keynote lecture on "Innovative Construction Materials for Life Cycle Maitenance of Concrete Infrastructures" at International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering and Materials (ACEM2019), 25-27 October 2019, Fuzhou, China.
2019. 08. 05, Prof Dai was invited to give a keynote lecture on "Behavior of FRP Connector-Enabled Sandwich Geopolymer Concrete Wall Panels Subjected to Combined Axial and Flexural Loading" at The Third International Symposium for Emering Researchers in Composites for Infrastructures, Wuhan, China, 5-6 August 2019.
2019. 07.12. Prof Dai was invited by Consulate-General of Japan to officiate at the interview for the Japanese Government (MEXT) Scholarship (Research Students) for 2020.
2019.07.11. Ms Li Fengying passed oral examination on her MSc thesis entitled "Finite Element Analysis of Self-centering Bridge Piers Enabled by FRP Tendons". Congratulations!
2019. 07.01. Prof Dai was appointed as the Associate Head (Academic Development) of the CEE department.
2019. 06.24. Dr Dilum Fernando from University of Queensland visited the research group and was invited to give a lecture entitled "Advanced Composites in Civil Infrastructure".
2019.06.05. Prof Surendra P. Shah from Northwestern University visited the research group and joined the group seminar.
2019. 05.23-25. Prof Dai attended "第一届土木工程计算与仿真技术学术会议" in Wuhan, China.
2019.05-26. Prof Dai attended "DeNeef防水堵漏加固新材料应用技术交流会" in Beijing, China.
2019.05. 11-12. Prof Dai was invited to give a keynote lecture on "第二届全国可持续混凝土理论与应用技术学术交流会" at Tongji University, China.
2019. 05.10. Prof Dai was invited to give a lecture on "Innovative Materials and Structural Systems for Life Cycle Management of Concrete Infrastructures" at Shanghai Jiaotong University, China.
2019, 05.03, The paper "Three-level Fire Resistance Design of FRP-Strengthened RC Beams" co-authored by Dr. Wanyang Gao, Prof Jian-Guo Dai and Prof Jin-Guang Teng received Grand Award in the HKIE Structural Division-Structural Excellence Award 2019. Congratulations!
2019.05.02. Prof Dai attended the one-day workshop on "Advanced Composites in Transport Infrastructure" at Arup Office, Queensland, Australia.
2019. 04. 22-24. Prof Dai attended the "World Conference on Floating Solutions", Singapore. The conference was organized by National University of Singapore.
2019.04.12-15. As the program leader of the 4-year Program in Civil Engineering, Prof Jian-Guo Dai joined the International Affair Office of PolyU in the program promotion tours in Indonesia and Malaysia.
2019. 04. 02. Prof Dai was invited to give a lecture entitled "Geopolymer Cement-based 3D Printing Concrete Technology" at the Annual Concrete Seminar 2019 "Solutions of Enhancement and New Technology in Concrete", which was organized by the Development Bureau of the Government for HKSAR.
2019.03.23. The Hong Kong Scholar Dr TANG Ning attended the "Annual Symposium of the Hong Kong Scholars Program-2019" at PolyU and won the "Best Poster Presentation Award". The presentation was entitled "Geopolymer as an Additive of Warm Mix Asphalt for Improved Sustainability of Pavement" (Co-authored by Prof. Dai and Prof. Qing Wang). Congratulations!
2019.03.22. Prof Kochi Maekawa from National Yokohama University, Japan visited the research group and was invited to give a lecture titled "Life-cycle Assessment of Concrete Bridges and Management".
2019.03.18--4.17, As the hosting professor, Prof Dai invited Prof Xue Weichen from Tongji Univeristy to visit PolyU as a RISUD visiting scholar under the sponsorship of Kwang-hua Education Foundation.
2019.03.08. Prof Dai was invited to join the oral examination of Mr Ao Zhou's PhD thesis entitled "Behavior of FRP-to-concrete bonded joints under cyclic and thermal loading" (University of Queensland).
2019.02.22. The research group hosted a joint internship scheme between PolyU and Tokyo University of Marine Science and Technology. Two students from each side joined the two-week internship scheme.
2019.01.09, Prof Dai was invited to join the oral examination of Ms Sarah Abduljabbar Yaseen Yassen's PhD thesis entitled "Novel Elucidation of Microstructural Features of Chemical Interaction of Graphene Derivatives with Calcium Bearing Phases in Hydrated Portland Cement: Synthesis, Mechanism and Characterizations" at HKUST.
2019.01.07. The PhD candidate Mr Yu Kequan passed oral examination on his PhD thesis entitled "Ultra-high performance engineered cementitious composites (UHP-ECC) - Mechanical behavior of material and structural members". Prof N. Banthia from UBC, Canada and Dr Ray Su from Hong Kong University served as two external examiners. Mr Yu was a joint PhD student between PolyU and Tongji Univeristy. Congratulations!
2018.07.01, Dr Dai was promoted to Full Professor, Congratulations!
2017.12. 07-09, "The 8th International conference on water repellent treatment and protective surface technology for building materials” was successfully held at PolyU. Dr Jian-Guo Dai and Prof Hiroshi Yokota (Hokkaido University) and Prof Tie-Jun Zhao co-chaired the conference.
2017.09.15, PhD candiate Mr WANG Yanshuai went to Prof John Provis's Research Group at University of Sheffield for a three-month attachment program.
2017.09.12, Three new members joined the reserach group: Mr ALREFAEL Yazan (Hong Kong PhD Fellowship Winner, from Kuwait University), Mr KUMAR Sushil (PolyU PhD Studentship Winner from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi) and Mr PENG Kaidi (Research Assistant, from University of Wollongong), Warmly welcome!
2017.09.08, PhD candidate Mr HUANG Junqi was awarded ""YRGS Best Paper Award" at The 8th Asia and Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium (YRGS2017), which was held at The University of Tokyo, Japan. The paper was on "Flexural Behavior of Precast Geopolymer Concrete Sandwich Panels Enabled with FRP Connectors". Dr Dai also attended the conference as a steering committee member.
2017.08.26, Dr Dai delivered a Keynote Lecture on "Industrialized Building Construction 4.0" at “2017 Forum on Industry 4.0-orientated China Manufacturing” organized by Shenzhen Association for Science and Technology, China.
2017.08.25, Dr Dai attended the one-day Workshop on "Industrialization of Construction", RISUD Annual International Symposium 2017, Hong Kong and delivered an invited talk on "Prefabricated Gepolymer Concrete Sandwich Walls with FRP Shear Connectors for Building Construction".
2017.08.23, Dr Dai attended the editorial board member meeting of Elsevier Journal ""Composites Communications" at the 21st International Conference on Composites Materials, Xi'an, China.
2017.08.19, Dr Dai paid a technical visit to "Dextra Building Products (Guangdong) Co. Ltd" Guangzhou, China for exploring research collaborations.
2017.08.17, Dr Jian-Guo Dai attended the examining meeting on "Composite Facade Concrete Technical Guidelines", which was organized by China Metallurgical Construction Research Institute in Beijing.
2017.08.09-11, Dr Dai and PhD candidate Mr WANG Yanshuai attended "the 3rd Chemically Activated Materials (CAM2010) ", Gold Coast, Australia. As a scientific committee member, Dr Dai delivered an invited presentation on "Fracture Properties of Alkali-Activated Slag/Fly Ash Concrete". Mr Wang made a presentation titled "Role of Soluble Aluminum Species in Activating Solution of Phosphate-based Geopolymer".
2017.08.04, Dr Dai visited Tohoku Electric Power Co. Inc., Japan in Sensai and some new concrete plants to investigate the fly ash utilization research and applications after 311 Tohoku Earthquake and Tsunami.
2017.07.19-21, Dr Dai attended "the 6th Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures" in Singapore as a scientific committee member and made a presentation on "Shear Behavior of RC Beams Strengthened with Cement-Bonded CFRP Grids".
2017.07.19, Dr TANG Ning from Shenyang Jianzhu University, China was successfully selected for "The Hong Kong Scholar Program" and will be appointed as a Postdoctoral Fellow for two years for the project entitled "Durability of Geopolymer Concrete and Reinforced Concrete Geopolymer Concrete". Congratulations!
2017.07.10-11, Dr Dai attended "the International Symposium for Emerging Researchers in Composites for Infrastructure (ISERCI) " at University of Wollongong" as a scientific committee member and made a presentation "Precast Geopolymer Concrete Sandwich Wall Panels Enabled by FRP Shear Connectors".
2017.06.01, PhD candidate Ms DING Yao passed the university's oral examination on her PhD thesis titled "Experimental Study on Fracture Properties of Alkali-Activated Concrete". Congratulation!
2017.05.04, Mr ALREFAEL Yazan from Kuwait University was Awarded "The Hong Kong PhD Fellowship". Congratulation!
2017.03.18, The Hong Kong Scholar Dr GUO Siyao under Dr Dai's supervision was awarded "Best Poster Presentation" for her presentation titled "Novel Microporous Amorphous-TiO2/Graphene Heterostructure for Enhanced Noble-metal-free H2 Generation from Water-splitting at "the Annual Symposium of the Hong Kong Scholar Program-2017".
2017.02.15, Dr XUE Xiao from Renming University of China was successfully selected for "The Hong Kong Polytechnic University Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme" for the project "Development of an Energy-Efficient Waterproof Coating System for Concrete Envelope". Congratulation!