Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites
Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites

External Research Grant in the Capacity of PI/Co-PI
Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund (GRF)
2020/2021 Round, PI, Development of Multiple Functional Geopolymer Coating for Performance Upgrading of Concrete Building Structures, HK$873,995, Project Code: 15223120.
2019/2020 Round, PI, A New Avenue for Fire Protection of Fiber-Reinforced Polymer-Strengthened Reinforced Concrete Structures, HK$748,300, Project Code: 15219919.
2017/2018 Round, PI, Prefabricated Ultra-high-performance Concrete Sandwich Walls with Tubular FRP Connectors, HK$582,000, Project Code: 15214517,
2015/2016 Round, PI, Large Rupture Strain FRP Composite-Confined Rectangular Reinforced Concrete Columns Subjected to Seismic Loading: Behavior and modeling, HK$695,788, Project Code: 15217115, Co-Is: Prof. S. Kunnath (UC Davis) and Prof. J.G. Teng (PolyU).
2013/2014 Round, PI, A PopTube Technology-Enabled New Fiber Reinforced Inorganic Polymer (FRiP) System for Strengthening of Concrete Structures, HK$836,450, Project Code: 514513, Co-Is: Prof S.P. Shah (Northwestern University), Dr JL Wang (Alabama University) and Dr Z. Ding (Shenzhen University).
2011/2012 Round, PI, Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures using an Advanced Bonded System Based on FRP Strand Sheets, HK$759,700, Project Code: 514311, Co-Is: Prof JG Teng (PolyU) Prof Christopher KY Leung (HKUST),
2009/2010 Round, PI, Durability of Bond between FRP and Concrete Exposed to a Humid Subtropical Environment: experimental study and predictive modeling, HK$853,530, Project code: 516509, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
NSFC/RGC Joint Research Scheme
2020/2021 Round, PI, Research and Development on Waste Ash/Slag-based Artificial Aggregates for Applications in Concrete, HK$1,154,954, Project Code: N_PolyU542/20.
Hong Kong RGC Theme-based Research (TBR) Scheme
2018/2019 Round, Co-PI, Sustainable Marine Infrastructure Enabled by the Innovative Use of Seawater Sea-Sand Concrete and Fibre-Reinforced Polymer Composites, HK$37,171,667, Project code: T22-502/18-R, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
Hong Kong RGC Research Impact Fund (RIF)
2018/2019 Round, Co-PI, Study of Super-fast Large-area Economical Marine Reclamations for Housing and Infrastructural Developments in the Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macau Greater Bay Area, HK$9,876,160, Project code: R5037-18, PI: Prof JH Yin (PolyU).
National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)
2016/2017 Round, Key Project, Co-PI, Fundamental Research on Materials and Structural Design of Green Low-Carbon Geopolymer Concrete, Allocated with CNY600,000 out of the total CNY3.0 million for five years, Project code: 51638008, PI: Prof Shi. C.J. (Hunan University).
2014/2015 Round, PI, Interfacial Debonding in FRP-strengthened Steel/Concrete Structures Subjected to Combined Thermal and Mechanical Loading, CNY 800,000. Project code: 51478406.
2012/2013 Round, PI, FRP Grid Reinforced UHTCC for Strengthening of RC Structures, CNY800,000, Project code: 51278441, Co-I: Dr Eddie S.S. Lam (PolyU)
Innovative Technology Fund (ITF)
2019 Round ITF-ITSP-Tier 2, PI, Research and Development on FRP-Reinforced UHPC Formwork for Semi-Prefabricated Construction of Marine Concrete Structures, HK$2,300,000, Project code: ITF/077/18FX.
2017 Round, PI, Research and Development on Geopolymer Cement-based 3D Printing Technology for Modern Building Industry, HK$1,473,000, Project code: ITS/009/17.
2012 Round, PI, Development of Thin Wall Panels Based on Basalt Textile Reinforced Geopolymer for Sustainable Building Construction, HK$986,700, Project code: ITS/064/12, Co-I: Prof. J.L. Hu (PolyU).
Construction Industry Council (CIC) Research Funding
2014 Round, PI, Development of Precast BFRP Grid-Reinforced Geopolymer Sandwich Wall Panels for Green Building Construction, HK$1,265,000, Project code: K-ZJK2, Co-I: Prof. K.F. Chung (PolyU).
Environmental Conservation Fund (ECF)
2017 Round, PI, Development of an Energy-Saving coating system for Sustainable Building Envelope, HK$1,313,240, Project code: ECF/81/2017, Co-I: Prof C.S. Poon (PolyU).
National Basic Research ("973") Program, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the P.R.C (國家重點基礎研究發展計劃(973計劃))
2012/2013 Round, Co-PI, Fracture/failure Control and Probabilistic Design of FRP Composites and Large FRP-reinforced Concrete Structures, Co-I, Allocated with CNY920,000 out of the total 5.0 million for five years, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
National Key R&D Program, Ministry of Science and Technology (MOST) of the P.R.C(科技部重點研發計劃)
2017/2018 Round on “Green Building and Building Industrialization”, Project on “High Performance Fiber-reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites and Emerging Structures”, Project code: 2017YFC0703002, Co-PI of a Sub-Project on “Use of FRP Grids for Enhancement of Concrete Structures”, Allocated with CNY450,000 for three years. PI: Prof Li Rong (Metallurgical Corporation of China, Ltd.).
2017/2018 Round on “Green Building and Building Industrialization”, Project on “High Performance Composite Structure Systems”, Project code: 2017YFC0703403, Co-PI of a sub-project on “Marine and Underground Composite Structural System”, Allocated with CNY500,000 for three years. PI: Prof Zheng Yun (Metallurgical Corporation of China, Ltd.).
GDSTC Key Technologies R&D Programme (廣東省重點領域研發計劃)
2019/2020 Round, Co-PI, Research on Key Technologies of Innovative ICCP-SS Seawater Sea Sand Reinforced Concrete Building Structure Enabled by Carbon Fiber Composite Material?, Allocated with CNY1.5 million out of the total CNY15 million for five years, Project code: 2019B111107002, PI: Prof Zhu J.H. (Shenzhen University).
Hong Kong-Guangzhou Technology and Innovation Partnership Programme「香江科技創新計劃」2018年廣州市對外科技合作計劃對外研發合作專題
2017/2018 Round, PI at Hong Kong Side, Strengthening of Marine Concrete Structures using Inorganically Bonded FRP Micro-bars, Allocated with CNY 1.0 million out of the total 2.0 million for three years, PI at Mainland Side: Dr Hu R.L. (China Communications Construction Company Ltd. Fourth Harbor Engineering Co. Ltd).
Grant-in-Aid for Scientifc Research, Japan Society for the Promotion of Science (JSPS)
2007/2008 Round, PI, Performance Evaluation on FRP to Concrete Bond Interfaces under Loading and Dry/Wet Cycling, Grant-in-Aid B for Young Scientists, 04/2008-03/2010, JPY2,600,000.
2005/2006 Round, PI, Development of a Hybrid Bonding System for FRP Flexural Strengthening of RC Members, Grant-in-Aid B for Young Scientists, 04/2006-03/2008, JPY1,800,000.
Hong Kong Scholar Program(香江學者計劃)
2021/2022 Round, PI, Innovative Civil Engineering Materials and Structures, Project code: YZ5M, HK$378,000.
2019/2020 Round, PI, Innovative Civil Engineering Materials and Structures, Project code: YZ3H, HK$315,000.
2017/2018 Round, PI, Durability of Geopolymer Concrete and Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Structures, Project code: G-YZ1A, HK$315,000.
2015/2016 Round, Design Theory for Concrete Structures Strengthened with Inorganically Bonded Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites, Project code: G-YZ78, HK$315,000.
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship
2017/2018 Round
Others (Including projects from industry)
China Communications Planning and Esign Institute for Water Transportation Co. Ltd., PI, Strengthening and Structural Health Monitoring of the Houtou Canal Wharf in Shangdong Jining Mining Group, CNY249,600, 03/1029-09/2019.
China Communications Planning and Esign Institute for Water Transportation Co. LtD., PI, Durability Assessment on the Surface Impregnation System of Concrete Superstructures of Shenzhen Western Government Port, CNY 550,910, 07/2013-04/2014.
Guizhou University, Analysis of Stability and Load-carrying Capacity of Lattice-Type Arch with Triangular Section, CNY65,000, 06/2019-11/2019.
Zhejiang Yefeng Construction Co. Ltd., Performance Assessment of Nano TiO2 Modified Cementitious Materials, CNY 44,000, 10/2018-06/2019.
Penta-Ocean-Concentric Joint Venture, Hong Kong, Technical Consultancy on the Corrosion Protection System for Water Pipelines, HK$44,200, 09/2018~12/2018,
Shenzhen Media Group, Co-PI, Assessment of Settlement of Network Animation Building in Shenzhen, CNY110,000. 11/2013-11/2014.
Shenzhen Media Group, PI, Performance Assessment of Bond Interfaces Decorative Stone-concrete Composite Façade, CNY50,000, 8/2012-12/2013.
Technical Consultancy on the Use of UHPC for China National Electricity Office Phase II Building Design, HK$50,700, 11/2018-05/2019.
Guangdong Gaiteqi New Material Technology Co. Ltd, Test of Mechanical Properties of Ultra-High Performance Concrete, CNY18,000, 08/2016~02/2017,
China Ministry of Transportation, Western Transportation Project, Co-PI, Research on Performance Indices for Life Cycle Design of Port Concrete Structures, 07/2011-06/2013, CNY100,000. PI: Prof J.W. Liang (Zhejiang University)
State Key Laboratory of Coastal and Offshore Engineering Fund, Dalian University of Technology, Tension stiffening of micro FRP bar-reinforced polymer mortar composites, 07/2012-06/2014, CNY30,000.
Guangdong Provincial Key Laboratory of Durability for Marine Civil Engineering Funding, Shenzhen University, Mechanics of the Bond between Textile Reinforced Inorganic Polymer Materials and Concrete Substrate, 07/2012-06/2014, CNY40.000.
Donation from Hong Kong Kei Cheong Engineering Co. Ltd. in 2013, HK$500,000.
Donation from Nippon Steel Composites Co. Ltd in 2009, HK$75,000.
Internal Research Grant in the Capacity of PI
PolyU Areas of Excellence Large Equipment Fund 2019/2020 Round, (C5048-19E), An Intergrated Climate Chamber for Studyying Multi-scale Behavior of FRP-concrete Composite Structures Subjected to Combined Mechanical and Environmental Loading, HK$9,503,840,
CNERC project, Self-cleaning Eco-friendly Advanced Coating fro Steel Corrosion Prevention in Marine Infrastructures, Project code: BBVA, HK$388,000, 03/2019-09/2020.
RISUD Strategy Focus Area Project, High-Performance Materials and Structural Elements for Sustainable Floating Structures, 05/2018~05/2021, HK$2500,000, Co-PIs: Prof JG Teng, Prof CS Poon and Prof YQ Ni (PolyU).
PolyU Post-doctoral Fellowship, Use of Ultra-high Performance ECC and FRP for Development of Stay-in-place Permanent Formwork for Sustainable Marine Infrastructures, Project Code: YW4K, HK$771,000, 07/2019-07/2021.
PolyU Post-doctoral Fellowship, Development of an Energy-Efficient Waterproof Coating System for Concrete Envelope, Project code: G-YW2F, 02/2017~04/2019, HK$645,000. Co-I: Prof CS Poon (PolyU).
Matching Funding for Post-doctoral Fellowship (Dean’s Reserve), Behavior and Modeling of RC Beams Strengthened with FRP Micro Bars-reinforced Cementitious Overlay at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures, Project code: 1-ZVC4, 11/2013~10/2015, HK$315,000, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
Construction Industry Institute (Hong Kong)/PolyU Innovation Fund, Development of an Innovatively Anchored Stone Cladding System for Building Construction, 07/2013-06/2015, Project code: 5-ZJHK, HK$500,000, Co-I: Dr Z. Leng (PolyU).
PolyU CEE Funding on Asian Cluster Universities Scheme, Use of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Composites for Life Cycle Maintenance of Corroding Concrete Structures, Project code: 1-ZVGE, 11/2015~12/2017, HK$ 500,000, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
PolyU RISUD Funding on Joint PhD Student Scheme, Development of a Failure Warning System for the Use of FRP Materials in Concrete Infrastructure, Project code: 1-ZVCV, 2014/05~2016/02, HK$200,000, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
PolyU RISUD Funding on Research Collaboration with Mainland China, Design Theory for Concrete Structures Strengthened with Inorganically Bonded Fibre Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Grids, Project code: 1-ZVEU, 2015/05~2017/08, HK$200,000, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
PolyU Matching Funding for China Project (NSFC) "Fundamental Research on Materials and Structural Design of Green Low-Carbon Geopolymer Concrete”, Project code: BCE9, 10/2017~12/2021, HK$142, 284.
PolyU Matching Fund for China Projects (NSFC), “Interface Bond Mechanism and Design Theory of Concrete Structures Strengthened with FRP Grid-Reinforced ECC Composites”, Project code: 4-BCAX 12/2014-12/2016, HK$201,520.
PolyU FCE Matching Fund for China Projects (NSFC), “Interfacial Debonding in FRP-strengthened Steel/Concrete Structures Subjected to Combined Thermal and Mechanical Loading”, Project code: 4-BCCF, 11/2015~12/2018, HK$195,824.
PolyU Fund for GRF Project rated 3.5 and Incentive Funding for “Dean’s Award”, Behavior and Modeling of Steel Beams Strengthened with Ultra-High-Modulus CFRP Strand Sheets Subject to Fatigue, Loading, Project code: G-YM26, 2014/10~2017/11, HK$305,000.
PolyU Fund for GRF Project rated 3.5, “Behaviour and Modeling of Debonding in Steel Beams Strengthened with Ultra-high Modulus CFRP Strand Sheets Subjected to Fatigue Loading, Project code: G-YBC1, 10/2014-11/2017, HK$105,000.
PolyU FCE Matching Funding for ITF Project, “Development of Thin Wall Panels Based on Basalt Textile Reinforced Geopolymer for Sustainable Building Construction”, Project code: 87UD, 01/2014-04/2016, HK$170,000.
PolyU FCE Matching Fund for China Projects (NSFC), “Interface Bond Mechanism and Design Theory of Concrete Structures Strengthened with FRP Grid-Reinforced ECC Composites”, Project code: 87UF, 01/2014-12/2016, HK$170,000.
PolyU RGC Direct Allocation (Departmental Earnings), “Investigate Performance-based Seismic Retrofit of Existing RC Buildings in Hong Kong Using FRP Composites”, Project code: 4-ZZCH, 2013/07 -2015/09, HK$200,000, Co-Is: Prof JG Teng (PolyU) and Dr WL Wong (PolyU).
Construction Industry Institute (Hong Kong)/PolyU Innovation Fund, Development of a Textile Reinforced Shotcrete System for Repair of Fire-Damaged Reinforced Concrete (RC) Structures, Project code: 5-ZJE8, 01/2012-06/2014, Project code: 5-ZJE8, HK$ 300,000, Co-I: Prof KF Chung (PolyU).
PolyU Fund for GRF Project rated 3.5, “Bond Behavior of FRP Micro-bars in Different Cementitious Matrices”, Project code: A-PK43, 11/2010-03/2013, HK$105,000.
PolyU Niche Area Fund, Durability of FRP-confined Concrete Columns in Humid Subtropical Marine Environments, Project code: 1-BB3B, 10/2010-07/2012, HK$500,000, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
PolyU Niche Area Fund, Seismic Retrofit of Beam-column Joints Using FRP Composites: Experimental Study and Numerical Modeling, Project code: 1-BB7X 05/2009-07/2012, HK$500,000, Co-I: Prof JG Teng (PolyU).
PolyU CEE Funding Support for Junior Professors, Bond between Fiber Reinforced Inorganic Polymer (FRiP) and Concrete: Behavior and Modeling, Project code: 4-ZZA3, 09/2011-05/2013, HK$200,000.
PolyU Competitive Research Grants for Newly Recruited Junior Academic Staff, Behavior of Concrete Columns Confined with Large Rupture Strain FRP, Project code: A-PC1L, 05/2009-05/2012, HK$250,000.
PolyU Start-up Fund, Optimized Thin Textile Reinforced Cementitious Composites for Flexural Strengthening of Reinforced Concrete Structures, 01/2009-02/2010, HK200,000.
Research Grant in the Capacity of Co-I (without funding allocation)
RISUD Strategy Focus Area Project, A Technology-enabled Interdisciplinary Platform for Innovative Façade Design and Installation in Industrialized Building Construction, 01/2018~01/2021, HK$2,500,000, PI: Prof QP Shen (PolyU).
PolyU Supporting Fund, FRP-reinforced Seawater Sea-sand Concrete Structures for Sustainable Marine Infrastructure, Project code: 1-BBAG, 12/2016-12/2019. PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$ 2,500,000.
PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Structural Behaviour of Hybrid FRP-Concrete-Steel Double-Skin Tubular Columns with a Square Outer Tube and a Circular Inner Tube, Project code: G-YXSK, 04/2010-08/2012, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$791,500.
Hong Kong Branch of National Engineering Research Center for Steel Construction, Effective High Strength Steel Construction for Sustainable Infrastructure Development in Hong Kong, Project code: 1-BBY6, 01/2016-12/2018, PI: Prof KF Chung (PolyU). HK$11,500,000,
Hong Kong Branch of National Engineering Research Center for Steel Construction, Localized Corrosion in Reinforced Concrete Structures, Project code: 1-BBYP, 08/2016-08/2018, PI: Prof CS Poon (PolyU), HK$1,250,000.
PolyU CEE Funding on Asian Cluster Universities Scheme, Enhancement of RCA Properties by Carbonation and its Influence on Structural Concrete Properties Project code: 1-ZVH7, 2016/01~2018/06, PI: Prof CS Poon, HK$581,128.
Innovative Technology Fund, Development of a Hong Kong Guideline for the Strengthening of Concrete Structures Using FRP Composites, Project code: K-ZP1C, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$1,256,372.
PolyU CEE Departmental Earning, Fundamental Earthquake Engineering in Hong Kong, Project code: 4-ZZCB, 06/2013-01/2018, PI: Prof YL Xu (PolyU), HK$150,000.
PolyU CEE Departmental Earning, Ascertain Seismic Resistant Performance of Precast Concrete and Hybrid Steel-concrete Buildings in Hong Kong, Project code: 4-ZZCJ, 07/2013-09/2016, PI: Prof SS Law (PolyU), HK$200,000.
PolyU Niche Area Fund, High-performance Bridge Structures Based on Double-skin Tubular Members, Project code: 1-BB7T, 03/2008-07/2012, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$949,472.
PolyU Niche Area Fund, Performance Simulation of Tall RC Buildings Subjected to Seismic Loading, Project code: 1-BB7T, 03/2008-07/2012, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$1,050,000.
Hong Kong RGC General Research Fund, Debonding in FRP-strengthened RC Beams: Effects of Load Distribution and U-jacket Anchorage, Project code: B-Q18N, 07/2009-12/2013, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$1,753,090.
PolyU Internal Competitive Funding, Structural Behaviour of Joints in Hybrid Structures for Super High-rise Buildings, Project code: G-YH48, 03/2009-06/2011, PI: Prof KF Chung (PolyU), HK$ 150,000.
PolyU Postdoctoral Fellowship Scheme, Theoretical Modeling of Long-term Performance of RC and FRP-strengthened RC Structures in Marine Environments, Project code: G-YX4V, 01/2011-12/2013, PI: Prof JG Teng (PolyU), HK$624,000.
National Natural Science Foundation of China (General Program), Theoretical and Experimental Study of Steel-Fiber Composites-High Strength Concrete Hollow Bridge Decks Based on Interface Bond-Slip Theory, 01/2010-12/2013, PI: Dr WW Wang (Southeast University, China), CNY330,000.
Ministry of Education, Sport and Science and Technology, Japan, Fatigue Life Analysis of RC Slabs Externally Strengthened with Polymer Mortar Overlay, KIBAN-C, 4/2005-3/2007, PI: Dr H. Furuuchi (Hokkaido University), JPY3,300,000.
JSPS-NSFC Scientific Cooperation Program, Life-Cycle Management-Based on Design Theory for Concrete Structural Durability, 4/2008-12/2010, PI: Dr H. Yokota (Port and Airport Research Institute, Japan), JPY3,000,000.
International Committee of Concrete Model Code for Asia (ICCMC), Index-based Requirement for Durability Design of Concrete Bridges, 07/2007-06/2009, PI: Dr KF Li (Tsinghua University, China), US$3,000.