Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites
Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites

Dai Group on Sustainable
Concrete Infrastructure
-Emerging Materials and Structural Systems
Research Assistant Professor
Dr. KAI Mingfeng
Dr. Kai Mingfeng joined Prof Dai's group from November 2020 as a Research fellow. Dr. Kai obtained his PhD in Civil Engineering from City University of Hong Kong, in August 2020. He later got appointed as Research Assistant Professor from July 2021. His research work is focused on molecular dynamics simulation of eco friendly and high performance materials comprising of cement and geopolymer composites.
Post Doctoral Fellows
Dr. Mehran KHAN
Dr. Mehran Khan joined Prof. Dai's group from April 2021 as a Research Associate. Later, he was appointed as a Postdoctoral Fellow from July 2021. Dr. Mehran obtained his Ph.D. in Structural Engineering from Dalian University of Technology (DUT), China, in December 2020 and Master's degree in Civil Engineering from Capital University of Science and Technology, Islamabad, Pakistan. His research interest is mechanical performance of multi-scale hybrid fiber reinforced cementitious materials. Currently, his research focuses on high performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites under elevated temperature.
Dr. Muhammad Riaz Ahmad
Dr. Riaz obtained his Doctor of Philosophy in Civil Engineering from Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China in 2021. He joined Prof Dai’s group in April 2021 as Post-doctoral fellow. His PhD research work is related to development of bio-composites focusing on improvement in compatibility between the eco-friendly binders and vegetal aggregates. His research interests include lightweight concrete, durability of concrete, magnesium phosphate cement and geopolymer materials.
Mr. Yazan Alrefaei is an HKPFS awardee who joined PolyU in September 2017. Yazan is originally from Syria and obtained his bachelor's and master's degrees from Kuwait University. His Ph.D. work was focused on the rheology and fresh properties of the sustainable alkali-activated materials. Currently, he is working as a Post Doctoral Fellow in the group.
Dr. Peng ZHANG
Dr. Peng Zhang joined Prof. Dai’s group from September 2021 as a Research Associate. Later, he was appointed as a Postdoctoral Fellow from December 2021.Dr. Zhang obtained his Ph.D. in Solid Mechanics from Dalian University of Technology, China, in December 2020. His PhD research focuses on developing accurate phase field models for progressive failure in composites at different length scales.
Dr. Wei-He LIU
Dr. Wei-He LIU joined Prof. Dai’s research group from September 2021 as a Research Associate. Dr. Liu obtained his PhD in Civil Engineering from City University of Hong Kong, in August 2021. His research is focused on the study of engineered cementitious composites, FRP-reinforced high-performance fiber reinforced cementitious composites and life cycle assessment of the FRP-reinforced sea water sea sand cementitious composites, using mechanical and mathematical models.
Dr. Qingdong XUAN
Dr. Qingdong XUAN joined Prof. Dai's research group from January 2022 as a Post-Doctoral HK Scholar. Dr. Xuan obtained his Ph.D. from University of Science and Technology of China (USTC), China, in June 2020. His research interests include solar energy and advanced building envelopes. Currently, his research will particularly focus on radiative cooling and its practical applications.

Dr. IWAMA Keitai
Dr. Iwama Keitai joined Prof. Dai’s group from May 2022 as a postdoctoral fellow. Dr. Iwama obtained his PhD in Civil Engineering from Yokohama National University of Japan, in September 2020. He worked as a postdoctoral fellow at Yokohama National University for 1.5 years. His previous research focused on multi-scale structural concrete modelling at high temperatures. He has now developed the multi-scale platform for evaluating the long-term chemical and mechanical behavior of SCC-FRP structures.
PhD Students
Mr. Sushil KUMAR
Sushil KUMAR joined Prof. Dai’s research group from September 2017 as a full time PhD student in Structures. He obtained M.Tech (Structures) degree from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Delhi, in 2014. His PhD work focuses on understanding the structural behavior of precast BFRP grid-reinforced geopolymer concrete sandwich panels subjected to in-plane loading.

Ms. Lan-Ping QIAN
Ms Lan-Ping QIAN joined Prof Dai’s Lab from September 2018 as a PhD student. Lan-Ping obtained her master’s degree from Beijing University of Technology, China. Her PhD on-going topic focuses on the fly ash aggregates and geopolymer.
Mr. Ling-Yu XU
Mr Lingyu-XU obtained MPhil degree from Hohai University in 2019, and joined Prof. J. G. DAI’s research group as a PhD student in the same year. His research object focuses on the manufacture technique of artificial aggregates for modern concrete.
Mr. Zhihao HAO
Mr. Zhihao HAO joined the Prof. Dai J. G.'s research group from September 2019, and focus on the research about the durability of FRP-SSC structure. Mr. HAO graduated with his Bachelor degree in Civil Engineering from Shandong University and got his MSc degree in the department of Civil and Environmental engineering from Imperial College London (Distinction degree)
Mr. Jing-Cheng TENG
Mr. Jing-Cheng TECNG joined Prof. Dai's group from January 2020 and his PhD work focuses on study of impermeable FRP tubular pile wall for marine reclamation. He obtained Masters degree in Civil Engineeering from PolyU in September 2019. His MSc work focused on modelling of suction bucket foundation in clay: from finite element analysis to macro-element model.
Miss Ning YANG
Miss YANG Ning joined Prof. Dai's group as a Research Assistant from June, 2019. YANG obtained her Master Degree of Science in Corrosion and Protection from the Institute of Oceanology, Chinese Academy of Science, China, in September, 2019 and joined as a PhD student from September 2020. Her research work focus on intelligent or multi-functional coating for steel/concrete structures.
Mr. Ke-Fan WENG
Mr. Ke-Fan WENG has joined Prof Dai's group as a Research Associate from Aug 2019 and focused on the research and development of FRP reinforced ultra-high-performance concrete formwork for semi-prefabricated construction of marine concrete structures. He is pursuing his PhD study under the joint supervision scheme of PolyU and SUS Tech from September 2020.
Mr. Ji-Xiang ZHU
Mr,Ji-Xiang ZHU joined Prof. Dai's group as a Research Associate from Augest 2019. He obtained his MSc in Civil Engineering from PolyU in July 2019 and is now a PhD student from September 2020. His research work focues on the use of high performance cementitious composites ECC and UHPC as permanent formwork for marine and underground structures.
Mr. Chandra Sekhar DAS
Mr. Chandra Sekhar Das joined Prof. Dai's research group as Research Assistant in September 2019. He completed his Bachelors from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT ISM Dhanbad) and has started his PhD from September 2020. His research work is focused on Engineered Geopolymer Composites (EGC) and corrosion study of reinforced stuctures.
Mr. Umar Hayat
Mr. Umar Hayat is a Presidential PhD Fellowship Scheme awardee who joined Prof. Dai’s research group from January 2022 as PhD student. He obtained his bachelor’s degree in Civil Engineering from University of Engineering and Technology Taxila, Pakistan. He completed his master’s degree in Structural Engineering from Sungkyunkwan University (SKKU), South Korea. His PhD work focuses on mechanical behavior of concrete confined with LRS-FRP.
Mr. Tao WANG
Mr. Tao WANG joined Prof. Dai's research group as a PhD student in September 2022. He obtained his Bachelor from Sun Yat-sen University with First Honor in 2022. His research work focuses on multipfunctional coating and artificial intelligence for infrastructure.
Research Associates/ Assistants
Mr. Jian-Cong LAO
Mr. Jian-Cong LAO jointed Prof Dai’s group as a Research Associate after his graduation from the MSc program in Civil Engineering in PolyU in September 2020. His research work focuses on the research and development of FRP reinforced ultra-high-performance concrete formwork for semi-prefabricated construction of marine concrete structures