Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites
Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites

MSc Students Supervised as the Chief Supervisor
​Mr. Ke-Fan WENG (completed in July 2019) MSc thesis "Flexural Behavior of ECC-Steel plate-UHPC Hybrid Member"
Mr. Ji-Xiang ZHU (completed in July 2019) MSc thesis "Structural Behavior of prefabricated UHPC-Steel-ECC Hybrid Box Culvert"
Mr. YUAN Kang (Completed in July 2018) MSc thesis “Feasibility Study on FRP-Reinforced Ultra-High-Performance Concrete (UHPC) Permanent Formwork for Marine Structure Construction”
Ms. LUO Jielian (Completed in July 2017) MSc thesis “Effects of Temperature on Debonding in FRP-Strengthened Steel Beams”
Mr. WEN Xin (Completed in July 2017 ) MSc project “Ultra-high Performance Concrete (UHPC): From research to application”
Mr. XIE Bowen (Completed in July 2017) MSc project “Review on Connection Techniques for Prefabricated Building Industry”
Ms. XUE Zhihang (Completed in August 2016) MSc thesis “Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Geopolymer Concrete Slabs”
Ms. YU Jiayingzi (Completed in July 2015) MSc project “Fracture Properties of Plain and Fiber-reinforced Geopolymer Concrete”
Mr. LUO Zhongshu (Completed in July 2015) MSc project “Optimal Design of Mechanically Anchored Stone Curtain Walls through Finite Element Analysis”
Ms. MA Zhiyuan (Completed in July 2015) MSc project “Buckling of FRP Bars under Different Lateral Confinement Conditions”
Ms. TIAN Yiwei (Completed in July 2014) MSc project “Penetration of chloride ions in cracked concrete: test methods, modeling and design approaches”
Mr. YAO Guanghui (Completed in July 2014) MSc project “Development/Lap Splice Length Design of FRP Composites in Concrete”
Mr. ZHU Zhuohui (Completed in Aug 2014) MSc thesis “Durability and Bond Performance of Basalt Textiles in Geopolymer Matrix”
Mr. GAO Shuai (Completed in July 2013) MSc project "Flexural Strengthening of RC Beams using UHTCC Bonded FRP Grids”
Mr. LIU Huiming (Completed in July 2013) MSc project “Fire Performance of High Strength Concrete and Concrete Structural Members”.
Mr. LIU Lee (Completed in July 2013) MSc project "Punching Shear Performance of RC Slabs Strengthened with FRP Composites”
Ms. YANG Ming-Jie (Completed in August 2012) MSc thesis "Corrosion Rate and Bond Performance of Steel Reinforcement in FRP-Wrapped Concrete Subjected to Dry and Wet Cycling"
Mr. XU Jun-Jian (Completed in Feb 2012) MSc thesis "Analysis of the Shear Strength of RC Beams Fully Wrapped with Large Rupture Strain FRP Composites"
Mr. WANG Xiaoyi (Completed in August 2012) MSc project "Creep Behavior of Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)-Confined Concrete"
Ms. CHEN Xuejuan (Completed in August 2012) MSc project "Strengthening of Bridge Structures by Use of Externally Prestressed FRP Tendons"
Ms. ZHANG Ying (Completed in August 2012) MSc project "Fatigue Performance of FRP-bonded Steel Structures"
Mr. DU Shengyang (Completed in August 2012) MSc project "Seismic Retrofit of Reinforced Concrete Beam-Column Joints Using FRP Composite Materials"
Mr. WEN Jin-Xing (Completed in August 2011) MSc thesis "A Probabilistic Approach for Durability Design of Concrete Structures in Marine Environments"
Ms. IP Wai Kin (Completed in May 2011) MSc project "Flexural Strengthening Design of FRP-strengthened RC Columns
Mr. LAW Wan Ki Vicky (Completed in May 2011) MSc project "Shear Strengthening Design of FRP-strengthened RC Beams"
Mr. ZHANG Zhi-cheng (Completed in August 2010) MSc thesis "Analytical Modeling of Fibre Reinforced Concrete Encased Tubular Steel Penstock Subjected to Internal Water Pressure"
Mr. LAM Ngo-Chi (Completed in December 2010) MSc project "Design of Reinforced Concrete Beams Strengthened with Externally Bonded Prestressed FRP Composites"
Mr. HUANG Ning (Completed in August 2009) MSc thesis "Finite Element Analysis of Locally Corroded Reinforced Concrete Beams for FRP Strengthening"