Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites
Research and development of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced cementitious composites

Keynote Lectures
Dai, J.G. (2021), 2nd International Conference on Infrastructure and Construction, November 01-03, 2021, Osaka, Japan (Plenary Speaker)
Dai, J.G. (2021), F-EIR Conference 2021, Environment Concerns and its Remediation, October 18-22, 2021, Chandigarh, India. (Keynote Speaker)
Dai, J.G. (2021), The 2nd International Conference on Energy Saving and Environmental Protection and Civil Engineering, June 18-20, 2021, Xining, China. (Keynote Speaker)
Dai, J.G. (2020), Preventive Maintenance of Concrete Structures through Multiple Funcational Coating, International Conference on Civil Engineering, Environment Resources and Energy Materials, Changsha, China, 18-20 September 2020. (Keynote Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2020), Innovative Materials and Structural Systems for Sustainable Concrete Structures, 5th International Conference on Minerals Source, Geotechnology and Civil Engineering, 17-19 April, 2020, Xi’an, China, (Keynote Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2020), Geopolymer Concrete Sandwich Wall Panels Enabled by FRP Connectors for Prefabricated Construction, 3rd International Conference on Innovative Technologies for Clean and Sustainable Development, 19-21 February 2020, Chandigarh, India. (Keynote Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2020), 用于钢筋混凝土建筑结构表面防护的多功能涂层研究, 第二届土木工程新材料及新型结构学术会议, September 25-27, 2020, 中国广州. (Keynote Leture)
Dai, J.G. and Ding Y. (2019), Fracture energy and tension-softening behavior of slag-fly ash blended geopolymer concrete, Performance Evolution and Control of Engineering Structures: Proceedings of 9th Asia-Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium on Structural Engineering (YRGS 2019). Shanghai, China, 19-20 December 2019. (Keynote Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2019), FRP增强地聚物混凝土的力学性能, 第三届全国土木工程复合材料应用技术交流会”暨“第四届中国国际复合材料科技大会(CCCM-4), Zhuhai, China, 11 November 2019. (Keynote Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2019), Hydrophobe coating for corrosion prevention and service life extension of marine concrete structures, 粤港澳腐蚀防护高峰论坛(The Greater Bay Area Corrosion Prevention Sumit Forum), 6 December, 2019, Zhuhai, China. (Keynote Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2019), Innovative Construction Materials for Life Cycle Maintenance of Concrete Infrastructures, International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering and Materials (ACEM2019), 25-27 October 2019, Fuzhou, China. (Keynote Lecture)
Dai, J.G., Wang, W.W., Yang X. and Gao W.Y. (2019), Basalt Textiles/Grids for Strengthening Existing Concrete Structures: Research and Applications, The First International Conference on Basalt Fibers and Composites (ICBFC-2019), 16-19 November 2019, Nanjing, China. (Keynote Lecture)
Dai J.G., Kumar, S. and Huang, J.Q. (2019), Behavior of FRP Connector-Enabled Sandwich Geopolymer Concrete Wall Panels Subjected to Combined Axial and Flexural Loading, The Third International Symposium for Emerging Researchers in Composites for Infrastructures, 5-6 August, 2019, Wuhan, China. (Keynote Lecture)
Dai J.G. (2019), Innovative Materials for Life Cycle Maintenance of Concrete Infrastructures: Research and Applications, 第二届可持续混凝土理论与应用技术学术交流会, 10-12 May 2019, Shanghai, China. (Keynote Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2018), Inorganically Bonded FRP Composites for Strengthening of Existing Concrete Structures, 2018 International Conference on Advances in Civil Engineering and Materials (ACEM2018) and 1st World Symposium on Sustainable Bio-composites Materials and Structures, Nanjing, China, 9-11 November, 2018. (Keynote Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2018), Strengthening of RC Beams Using FRP Grid-Reinforced ECC, The 3rd Domestic Symposium on ECC Science and Technology and Application, HKUST, Hong Kong, 24 October, 2018. (Keynote Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2018), Geopolymer Concrete Sandwich Wall Panels Enabled by FRP Shear Connectors for Green Building Construction, 9TH International Conference on Fibre-reinforced Polymer Composites in Civil Engineering, Paris, July 17-19, 2018. (Keynote Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2017), Fire Resistance Design of FRP-strengthened RC Members, The Ninth National Symposium on Structure Fire Resistance, 12-14 October, 2017, Lanzhou, China. (Keynote Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2016), Determination of Tension Softening and Fracture Toughness of Alkali-activated Concrete, Symposium on The Green and Low-carbon Emission Building Materials, 17th IUMRS International Conference in Asia (IUMRS-ICA-2016), October 20-24, 2016, Qingdao, China (Keynote Lecture)
Dai, J.G., Gao, W.Y. and Teng, J.G. (2013), Behavior and Modeling of FRP-to-concrete Interfaces at Elevated Temperatures, Proceeding of Fourth Asia-Pacific Conference on FRP in Structures (APFIS2013), CD-ROM, Edited by Al-Mahadi et al., 11-13 December, Melbourne, Australia. (Keynote Lecture)
Ueda, T. and Dai, J. G. (2005), Interface of Fiber Reinforced Polymer Laminates Externally Bonded to Concrete Substrate: from test methods to bond modeling, Proceedings of International Symposium on Bond Behavior of FRP in Structures (BBFS2005), Edited by Chen and Teng, 7-9 December, Hongkong, China, pp.23-34. (Keynote Lecture)
Ueda, T. and Dai, J. G. (2004), New Shear Bond Model for FRP-concrete Interface: from modeling to application, FRP Composites in Civil Engineering – CICE 2004, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering – CICE 2004, 8-10 December, Adelaide, Australia, pp. 69-81.(Keynote Lecture)
Zhao, G. F., Wang, Q. X. and Dai, J. G. (2000), Evolution and Application of High Performance Concrete in China, Proceedings of International Symposium on High Performance Concrete-“Workability, Strength and Durability", 10-15 December, Hong Kong, China. (Keynote Lecture)
Invited Lectures
Wang, Y.S. and Dai, J.G.* (2018), Chemistry of High-calcium Fly Ash in Silico-aluminophosphate Geopolymer, The 8th International Conference of Asian Concrete Federation: Sustainability and Innovation in Concrete Materials and Structures, Fuzhou, China, 4-7 November 2018. (Invited Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2018), Effect of Temperature Variation on the Debonding Strength of FRP-strengthened RC/steel Beams, The First National New Materials and New Structures Conference, 21-23 September 2018, XiAn, China. (Invited Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2018), Use of Emerging Structural Materials and Systems for the Maintenance and Sustainability of Concrete Infrastructure, The First ZHITU Symposium on Advances in Civil Engineering, 12-14 July, Hangzhou, China. (Invited Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2017), The 2nd ACF Symposium 2017 “Innovation for Sustainable Concrete Infrastructures”, 23-25 November, Chiang Mai, Thailand. (Invited Lecture)
Dai, J.G., Ding, Y. and Shi, C.J. (2017), Fracture Properties of Alkali-Activated Slag/Fly Ash Concrete, Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Chemically Activated Materials (CAM 2017), Gold Coast, Queensland, 8-13 August, 2017. (Invited Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2016), Seismic retrofit of reinforced concrete structures using fiber-reinforced polymer composites, YNU-PolyU-SCU Joint Workshop on “Frontiers of Multi-Hazard Mitigation Strategies in Urban Areas-Highlighting geotechnical aspects", 7 November 2016, Yokohama, Japan. (Invited Lecture)
Bai, Y.L. and Dai, J.G. (2015), Finite Element Modeling of Steel Bar Buckling in FRP-Confined RC Columns, Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Performance-based and Life-Cycle Structural Engineering (PLSE2015), December 9-11 2015, Brisbane, Australia. (Invited Lecture)
Dai, J.G. (2015), Bond Mechanics of FRP-to-Concrete Interfaces at Ambient and Elevated Temperatures, 60th Congress of India Society of Theoretical and Applied Mechanics (ISTAM2015), 16-19 December, Jaipur, India, 2015. (Invited Lecture)
Dai, J.G. and Bai, Y.L. (2015), Seismic Retrofit of Circular RC Columns with Large Rupture Strain FRP Composites: Experimental Study and FE Modeling, Proceedings of the 7th Regional Symposium on Infrastructure Development, 20(7), 31-34, 9-11 November, Kasetsart University, Thailand. (Invited Lecture)
Dai, J.G. and Wang, T. (2015), Probabilistic Model for Service Life Prediction of Water Repellent RC Structures in Marine Environments, Proceeding of the 7th Asia Pacific Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium (YRGS 2015), Malaysia, 20-21, 2015. (Invited Lecture)
Dai, J. G. (2009), Evaluation, Modeling and Optimization of Interface Bond in Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP)-strengthened Concrete Structures, Proceedings of the First Asia Pacific Young Researchers and Graduate Symposium (YRGS-2009), Edited by Dookie Kim et al., Organized by Kunsan National University, 26-27 February, 2009, Kunsan, Korea, pp.29-42. (Invited Lecture)
Ueda, T. and Dai, J. G. (2005), FRP Composites for Infrastructures in Japan: Review and Outlook, Proceedings of the International Symposium on Innovation & Sustainability of Structures in Civil Engineering (ISISS'2005), 20-22 November, Nanjing, China, Vol.1, pp.305-320. (Invited Lecture)
Best Paper Award
Huang, J.Q. and Dai, J.G. (2017), Flexural Behavior of Precast Geopolymer Concrete Sandwich Panels Enabled with FRP Connectors, the 8th Young Researchers and Graduates Symposium in Structural Engineering and Construction, University of Tokyo, 7-8 December, 2017. (Best Paper Award)
Guo, S.Y. and Dai, J.G. (2017), Novel Microporous AmorphousTiO2/Graphene Heterostructure for Enhanced Noble-metal-free H2 Generation from Water-splitting, The Hong Kong Scholars Annual Symposium, 18 March 2017, Hong Kong. (Best Poster Presentation Award)
Gao, W.Y., Dai, J.G. and Teng, J.G. (2014), Simple Method for Predicting the Fire Resistance of Un-protected FRP-strengthened RC Beams, Proceedings of 13th International Symposium on Structural Engineering (ISSE-13), Eds. by Wang Z.C., Ren W.X. and Ru J.P., October 24-27, Hefei, China, pp. 284-294. (Best Paper Award)
Dai, J. G., Gao, W. Y. and Teng, J. G. (2010), Finite Element Modeling of Insulated FRP-Strengthened RC Beams Exposed to Fire, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, 27-29 September, 2010, Beijing, China. (The CICE2010 Best Paper Award on FRP Strengthening of Existing Structures).
Yokota, H., Akira, Y., Kato, E. and Dai, J.G. (2008), Chloride Ingress in Cracked Concrete with Water Repellent Treatment, Proceedings of 3rd Asian Concrete Federation International Conference, Ho Chi Ming City, Vietnam, 11-13 November, CD-ROM, Paper#D07. (Best Paper Award)
Dai, J. G. and Ueda, T. (2003), Bond Stress-slip Relationships for FRP Sheet-Concrete Interfaces, Proceedings of the 6th International Symposium on Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures (FRPRCS-6), 8-10 July 2003, Singapore, pp.143-152. (Best Research Paper Award)
Saito, Y., Ueda, T., Sato, Y. and Dai, J. G. (2004), Bond Deterioration of FRP Sheet/Concrete Interface under Fatigue Loading, Proceedings of Annual Conference of Japanese Society of Civil Engineering, Tokyo. (in Japanese, Annual Best Presentation Award)
Technical Reports
Yokota, H., Akira, Y., Kato, E. and Dai, J. G. (2009), Chloride ingress in cracked concrete with water repellent treatment, SEISAN KENKYU, Institute of Industrial Science, The University of Tokyo, 61(4), pp.665-668.
Dai, J. G., Kato, E., Iwanami, M. and Yokota, H. (2007), Cracking and Tension Stiffening Behavior of Corroded RC Members, Technical Report of The Port and Airport Research Institute, Japan 46(2), 3-24. (Best Annual Technical Report Award)
Ueda, T. and Dai, J. G. (2005), FRP Application in Japan, Report submitted to Hitli Co. Ltd., 55 pages.